General Information

Parents’ Concerns

We want to make your child’s stay at Camp the best possible. If you have concerns prior to or while your child is at Camp, please e-mail or call the Office at 831.659.2615 during the day (9am-6pm) to speak with Susan, Steve or Aimee; they are happy to talk with you. Staff members do not receive calls from camper parents during camp because they are very busy taking care of your child and all the other campers. Counselors are available to talk with you on check in day and at the end of the session.

Pro Shop Account Recommendations:

Minimum: $30, Maximum $250

One Week session

Tennis Accessories, CVTC Logoed clothing, etc., Toiletries, Snack Bar (limited to one drink or one snack a day)

Two Week session

Laundry – $28, Tennis Accessories, CVTC Logoed clothing, etc., Toiletries, Snack Bar (limited to one drink or one snack a day), Carmel Trip – $40 maximum to purchase lunch and souvenirs

Medical Forms

The medical forms are available through your online account that you access through the Login button at the top of our Home Page.


You are welcome to send snail mail to your camper while they are at CVTC. Campers are not allowed to receive food or drinks in “care packages.” Very few campers receive care packages, and they do enjoy receiving snail mail (letters, magazines, books). 


Cell phones are not allowed at camp. Campers arriving by plane who will need their cell phone in transit will leave their cell phones in the Office safe during their stay at camp. We choose to have a landline phone at Camp so that campers may call home if they wish, and we make the phone available late afternoon Wednesday of the first week of each session. The phone is then available from 1:00pm to 6:00pm every day for the rest of the session. Campers are limited to making or receiving 1 call per day, with each call limited to 5 minutes. The phone is answered by campers. The phone is free of charge to calls made to any US phone. If you have difficulty reaching your camper, just send us an email at and we’ll ask your camper to give you a call.

CVTC Rules

  • CVTC has a zero tolerance policy regarding the following:
    • Bullying
    • Violence
    • Aggressive behavior to anyone in our community
    • Destruction or vandalism of property
    • Tampering with the fire alarm system
    • Possession or use of illegal drugs, vapes of any kind or alcohol
  • Campers are not to leave their rooms after lights out without a counselor
  • No weapons are allowed at camp.
  • Gambling for money or personal property is not allowed.
  • Romantic relationships between campers are discouraged.

Violations of any of the above are grounds for dismissal from camp with no refund.


CVTC is an electronics free tennis camp (unplugged) so that campers and staff have a break from technology. We have found that being “unplugged” at camp encourages connections between campers/counselors and foster the development of lifelong friendships.


We allow single function cameras for campers to use during the session. If it’s powered by a battery, make sure it is fully charged, or bring an extra battery because there won’t be a charging spot for the battery.

Temperature Ranges

Because we are further inland than Carmel and at 1200 feet elevation, we have wider temperature ranges than the coast. Our average maximum and minimum temperatures over the past few summers are as follows: June – 80 and 46; July – 87 and 52; August – 88 and 53. Although it gets warm during the day, the temperature always drops as the sun goes down. It is highly unusual to have rain.

Tuition Insurance

We highly recommend tuition insurance as protection in the event that a camper is unable to attend camp, and Travmark Insurance provides reasonably priced insurance. See our cancellation policies here. Please let us know if you have questions about the tuition insurance.

Visitors at Camp

Camp is a closed community, and we don’t have visitors at camp. If you need to see your child while Camp is in session, please contact Susan, Steve or Aimee. During the session campers may only leave Camp or a Camp excursion with their parents or guardians.


Camper laundry is done for campers in the middle of a two week session by a local service for a $28.00 fee. Please provide a laundry bag with your camper’s name. A closable, washable laundry bag is required; we also have them for sale in the Pro Shop.

Lost and Found

Carmel Valley Tennis Camp is not responsible for lost or damaged clothing and personal possessions. We discourage campers from bringing expensive items to Camp (clothing, jewelry, etc…). We have a lost and found area that we go through with the campers every afternoon before our Team Tennis meeting and the afternoon before the end of the session.

Places to Sleep and Eat in Carmel and Carmel Valley

– CVTC’s Picks

Carmel Valley – 25-35 minutes from camp – Carmel Valley Chamber of Commerce

Places to stay in Carmel Valley area

Places to eat in Carmel Valley area

  • Cafe Rustica – lunch & dinner – pizza to fresh fish – 831-659-4444
  • Lucia- lunch & dinner – bar & grill at Bernardus Lodge – 831-658-3550
  • Running Iron – lunch & dinner – old time cowboy saloon, hamburgers, etc. 831-659-4633
  • Jerome’s Carmel Valley Market – soup, sandwiches – general market – 831-659-2472
  • Sunny Bakery Café – breakfast, lunch, coffee bar – 831-659-5052
  • Kathy’s Little Kitchen – breakfast, lunch, dinner -taqueria – 831-659-4601

Places of interest in Carmel Valley area

  • Moto Talbott Collection – Motorcycle Museum in the middle of Carmel Valley Village – 831-659-5410
  • Garland Regional Park – great hiking – 2 miles west of Carmel Valley Village on Carmel Valley Road
  • Local wineries tasting rooms – over 20 tasting rooms in Carmel Valley Village

Carmel – 40 minutes from camp – Carmel Chamber of Commerce

Places to stay in and around Carmel

Places to eat in and around Carmel

  • Little Napoli – lunch & dinner – fresh Italian – 831-626-6335
  • Flying Fish Grill – dinner only – Pacific Rim Seafood – 831-625-1962
  • Patissiere Boisserie – lunch and dinner – French Country Style – 831-624-5008
  • Rio Grill – lunch & dinner – California cuisine – 831-625-6436
  • Carmel Bakery – Deli style bakery on Ocean Ave. – 831-626-8885
  • Bruno’s Market – small grocery with a great deli for sandwiches – 831-624-3821
  • Sea Harvest – lunch & dinner – reasonably priced great fish – 831-626-3626

Monterey – 50 minutes from camp

Places to stay

  • Numerous reasonably priced hotels on Munras Avenue

Other attractions

  • Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Fisherman’s Wharf
  • Del Monte Center – mall with multiscreen movie theater